Camp ASCCA Blog

ASCCA Prom (Video)

You’ve heard all about how fun Camp ASCCA’s prom was. Now with this new video, you’ll get a taste of what it really is like!

Banana Olympics

Session 4 has arrived and we are having so much fun! Tonight the cabins of Moundville, Creek, Cherokee, Chickasaw and Cheaha competed in the Banana

Pool Party!

Session #4 is off to a great start with half of the cabins going down to the swimming pools for a relaxing evening of swimming.

Welcome Session 4 Campers!

A little storm could not slow us down here at camp. We are so excited to welcome Session 4 Campers to an amazing week at

Tonight We LIVED!

Tonight we danced the night away dressed in our best! ASCCA Prom 2015 was the absolute best as we danced with our dates, cried with

A Great Week of Sports Camp

This week was not only Session 3 of Camp ASCCA, it was also… SPORTS CAMP WEEK! Sports Camp was jam packed with such as activities

ASCCA Olympics (Video)

The ASCCA family held their very own athletic event, titled “ASCCA Olympics”. Campers and counselors were put to the test to compete for honor cabin.

ASCCA Staff Olympics

This morning our staff and campers competed in the 2015 ASCCA Olympics. These games ultimately decided the fate of who is going to receive Honor


Last night Sports Camp had a Blast at their Pizza Party! Thanks to Mark McClunrg the night started with pizza from Little Italy Pizzeria in