Camp ASCCA Blog

Camp ASCCA Mornings

It’s a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA! We love theme days and a reason to dress up here at Camp ASCCA so this week

Teen Pool Party

Teen Week has kicked off at Camp ASCCA! Starting off this week was a pool party held for the campers. Generally, cabins are split up

Adaptive Athletics Sports Camp 2015

They’re here! Camp ASCCA and Auburn University collaborate to host Adaptive Athletics Sports Camp 2015! Sports Camp got kicked off this evening with some fun

Decades Dance

As with every session, this week at Camp ASCCA closed in style. A dance was held for the campers to show off their sweet moves.

Mornings at Camp ASCCA

It’s an absolute Gorgeous day here at Camp ASCCA! Tonight is the big dance that everyone has been waiting for so this morning everyone was

Mornings at Camp ASCCA

It’s an absolute Gorgeous day here at Camp ASCCA! Tonight is the big dance that everyone has been waiting for so this morning everyone was

ASCCA Bingo!

As today’s closing activity, the ASCCA family gathered in the dining hall for a fun/intense game of Bingo. For the grand prize, one lucky camper

Mystery Pizza

Tonight was Pizza Night! Every Wednesday night our Kitchen Staff makes home made pizza, which at lunch each table gets to place their personal order

Gone Fishin’

We caught some MONSTER fish this afternoon at the pond, just ask our campers about them. *Fish: an animal that grows the fastest between the

Good Morning from Camp ASCCA!

Good Morning We have camp spirit yes we do, we have camp spirit how about you…. This morning the cabins of Davis and Cherokee were