Camp ASCCA Blog

Rainy Afternoons

A rainy day never stops the fun at Camp ASCCA! This afternoon campers had free choice between arts and crafts, gym activities, games in the

Meet the Kitchen Staff

It is my pleasure to introduce to you, that in my book are some of the most important people here at camp, our Kitchen Staff.

Good Morning Camp ASCCA

Good Morning! We are celebrating Independence Day today! Campers and counselors made their way to flag raising this morning dressed from head to toe in

Camp ASCCA’s Got Talent

“We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light.” -Mary Dunbar

Overcoming Obstacles

It sometimes happens that a Camp ASCCA camper will arrive for an activity that they absolutely do NOT want to do. In fact, no way

Evening Fun!

Most people would tend to settle down once night has come. Not at Camp ASCCA, where not even the sun will stop the fun activites

Flag Raising

Good Morning! This morning all the campers and counselors were excited to get the day started. We were greeted with cabin chants from Moundville this


We have played hard today at Camp ASCCA and now it’s time to say Goodnight. At the end of the night right before every one