Camp ASCCA Blog

ASCCA Vision Newsletter Summer 2014!

Wow! The ASCCA Vision summer 2014 newsletter is now available here! Find out why life is better when you’re laughing, our new horseback program sponsor,

We’ve got talent, yes we do

Tuesday night, campers and counselors came together to hold Camp ASCCA’s first talent show of the summer! Tuesday during the day, counselors sign up their

Party in The USA

In honor of the Fourth of July being at the end of this week, the Program Staff here at Camp ASCCA put together a fun

From the Lake to the Pool

“From the lake to the pool, Camp ASCCA’s really cool,” is the first line of one of many fun repeat songs here at camp, and

Meet the Andrews Family!

In this interview, we take a look at the Andrews family who have 3 young girls visiting us this week! -Clayton Smith, PR

Cardboard Boat Regatta

For Orientation Week, the staff decided to try out something new. They devised an activity called “Cardboard Boat Regatta” where a group of people would

2014 Camp ASCCA Summer Staff

Meet this year’s Camp ASCCA summer staff of 2014! Every year, the new summer staff arrives at Camp ASCCA in late June for a week