Camp ASCCA Blog

Costume Dance

After a long day of fun activities, they wrapped it up with their traditional dance. This time people came to dance in their Halloween costumes!

MD/PD Halloween Carnival

The MD/PD Fall Weekend started strong with an excellant assortment of activities. Each one related to a certain spooky aspect of Halloween. Campers felt through

DES Leadership Ambassadors

Today we welcomed the Dadeville Elementary School Leadership Ambassadors. The group is made up of twenty 4th and 5th graders who have been selected based

Funds help Camp ASCCA offer camperships

Published Tuesday, October 15, 2013 By Robert Hudson One United Way agency is continuing its mission of providing a summer camp experience for those

Remembering Charlie T. Higgins

Today we learned that Charlie T. Higgins passed away yesterday at his home in Montgomery, Alabama. He was 93 years old and has remained an

Danny Coker – summer staff 1976

Look who Dana Rickman found at Camp ASCCA this past weekend! It’s Danny Coker! Danny was one of the staff members from our first summer

Operation Rise & Conquer

Operation Rise & Conquer (September 25-29, 2013) is an exciting outdoor recreation program by Lakeshore Foundation held at Lake Martin, Alabama at Easter Seals Camp

Autism Society’s “Camp F.R.O.G.”

This past weekend the Autism Society of Alabama hosted “Camp F.R.O.G.” at Easter Seals Camp ASCCA. The groups of families enjoyed the zip-line, swimming in

Fall ASCCA Vision Newsleter 2013

Open up the fall edition of the ASCCA Vision Newsletter! You’ll find many pictures from our summer campers and staff. You can also read many