Fun at Tubing
The first day was especially great for those who went tubing! As usual, everybody had a exciting time with the tube. Handled by our excellent
The first day was especially great for those who went tubing! As usual, everybody had a exciting time with the tube. Handled by our excellent
In honor of Camp ASCCA’s farm girl, Jessie, and her last week at camp, today’s blog is about the Demo Farm. The Demo Farm is
As another week of camp ended last friday everyone is sad they had to leave but filled with memories from the week. Last week was
The Mobile Rotary bunch have arrived and are ready to enjoy the activities at Camp ASCCA! Each year, the Rotary Club of Mobile, AL would
It may have rained for most of the week, but that didn’t stop campers from having fun during Session Four last week! Camp ASCCA was
It’s been a incredible week with this group of campers. Relive the best moments with this slideshow. -Clayton Smith, PR Staff
Sometimes, heavy rain can ruin the fun for people looking to enjoy the outdoors during the summer. It can also dampen the mood. But it
Counselors and program staff are not the only ones showing campers a great time at free choice activities! On Wednesday afternoon, representatives from Push America
The big activity for tonight was the Disney Dash. Silmilar to the Decades Dash from a few weeks ago, Disney Dash involved a series of
Session 4 is almost over, but there is still plenty of fun to have at Camp ASCCA. Today the weather was on camp’s side and
T.J. is interviewing more staff members who help make weekly Camp ASCCA sessions fun for campers, even in heavy rain. Today, he interviewed Cody about
Located in Alabama on Lake Martin, Camp ASCCA offers campers a wide variety of traditional recreational and educational activities with a unique design for accessibility.
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