Camp ASCCA Blog

Rotarians donate to several area organizations

By Carly Omenhiser Several area organizations received donations March 26 during the Enterprise Rotary Club’s annual $10K allocations meeting. The donations were raised

Auburn Civitan Club Helps Out

We have many generous organizations from throughout the state that give yearly to Camp ASCCA. The Civitan Club of Auburn, AL is no different. Is

Volunteers Build Ramp for Teen with Cerebral Palsy for National Day of Service

Pi Kappa Phi members from around the country visit Camp ASCCA every March for construction projects at Camp ASCCA. Check out what they’ve done this past Monday for a student down in south Alabama!

Reported by: Local 15 News Staff


SPANISH FORT, Ala. (WPMI) Over the weekend President Obama championed the National Day of Service initiative, which is now tradition on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday. Monday in Spanish Fort, people reached out to volunteer.

Pi Kappa Phi fraternity brothers at USA got up early to build a ramp for a 17-year-old teen with cerebral palsy.

“This looks like I’ll be able to go down this all by myself I wont need any help,” said Spanish Fort High School student JJ Troutman.

A ramp for JJ was on the list of things to do as part of this fraternity’s “Push America” service program and what better day to do this than the “National Day of Service.”

“Had it not been for this, JJ would be using an old makeshift ramp that just wasn’t working for him,” said Donna Troutman JJ’s mother.

The brothers at Pi Kappa Phi have built a ramp like this one every year for the past five years.

“Most of them you can ride right by and see them on some of the busier streets so its rewarding to be able to know you had a hand in the community,” said fraternity President Alex Layton.

“I can do stuff on my own now I’m going to have to know how to do that when I go off to college anyway so that really helps,” said JJ.Troutman. Tomorrow is JJ’s birthday. He plans to go to college and become a veterinarian.

Wrapping It Up

Christmas Weekend came to a close this morning and we had to say goodbye to our awesome campers. However, we did get to have some

Beary Christmas and a Happy Zoo Year!

This weekend is Camp ASCCA’s annual Christmas weekend! We were so excited to welcome about 30 campers and 15 old summer staffers to camp yesterday

It’s Camp ASCCA Spirit Day!

Celebrate with Camp staff, campers, volunteers, friends, donors, and families as we celebrate “Camp ASCCA Spirit Day”! For those of you who don’t know Spirit