Camp ASCCA Blog

Summer 2012 ASCCA Vision Newsletter

Check out our summer 2012 edition of the ASCCA Vision newsletter! There are lots of summer camp pictures jammed into four pages (along with a

Head ’em up, Move Out.

By Megan Wright Session 7 Well guys, this is it. Today concludes Camp ASCCA Summer 2012. Though I could write forever about how much this

Clops’ Boat Ride

Hey everyone! Clops here. Today I took a ride on the pontoon boat. I’ve been wanting to all summer, and this afternoon I finally got

Quite a Literary Talent Show

By Megan Wright Session 7 We had our usual Tuesday night talent show tonight, but it was far from normal. Not only was a special

Programs, Rain, and Scavengers

By Megan Wright Session Seven Today started out like a normal day: flag raising at 7:50, breakfast at 8, then a fun filled morning of

Star Spangled ASCCA

By Megan Wright Session 6 Wednesday night was Movie Night! As I mentioned earlier this week, each cabin made a movie and entered into the

Lights, Camera, Action!

By Megan Wright Session 6 As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, this week is movie themed! Beyond just dressing up as movie characters and playing