Camp ASCCA Blog

Camp Mobile Rotary has Arrived!

by Jackie Popper Session Five Earlier this evening three buses of ASCCA Campers from Goodwill Easter Seals of the Gulf Coast in Mobile, who were

What’s the Deal With Honor Cabin?

By Megan Wright Session 4 With the Olympics starting this week, everyone was feeling the competitive spirit in the air. However here at Camp ASCCA,

Paddling Through the Afternoon

By Jackie Popper Session 4 During our hot summer days the favorite activities during free choice period usually involve the water. We offer a wide

Carrying the Torch

by Jackie Popper Session 4 Not only was today filled with our regularly scheduled exciting activities, but we also concluded the day with our very

Camp with Sickle Cell

By Megan Wright Session 4 The rowdiest groups here by far this week are the boys and girls living in Davis Lodge (named Muscogee and

Cargo Net Champion

By Megan Wright Session 4 It’s not every day that we open our high ropes course at Camp ASCCA, but today for free choice we

Shhhh It’s a Secret

By Megan Wright Session 4 Though most visitors on the website are looking for information on campers and how they’re doing, we can’t forget about

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

by Jackie Popper Session 4 Among many of the wonderful themes here at camp—love, kindness, happiness, compassion, we seem to have one common thread throughout