Camp ASCCA Blog

An Overview of this Wet Wednesday

By Megan Wright Session 3 Once again, rain caused us to alter our activities this morning, but it definitely didn’t stop us from having fun!

Capture the Flag

By Jackie Popper Session Three Sports Camp After an exciting afternoon filled with shooting sports our Sports Campers ended the day by playing an exciting

Diving Into SCUBA

By Jackie Popper Session 3 This morning Sports Camp kicked things off with a splash at the pool. This was no ordinary morning at the

Marvelous Mustache Monday

by Jackie Popper Sports Camp Session 3 Sports Camp began today with a basketball clinic put on by some of the wheelchair basketball players at

Clops Goes Canoeing

by Jackie Popper Session 2 Clops hung out with some of our Unit Leaders last week to go canoeing. Take a look!

Check-in with Clops!

by Jackie Popper Session Two Clops hung out at check-in on Sunday to experience “controlled chaos” first hand. Here’s a short glimpse at what goes

Check-in with Clops!

by Jackie Popper Session Two Clops hung out at check-in on Sunday to experience “controlled chaos” first hand. Here’s a short glimpse at what goes