Camp ASCCA Blog

Today was certainly a catch!

by Megan Wright Session Two It isn’t every day that a naturally born angler waltzes into camp, but apparently we reeled one in this week.

Singing in the Rain

by Megan Wright Session Two Every camper knows about, and looks forward to, the talent show every Tuesday night and this week was no exception.

Neato Nature

by Megan Wright Session Two One of our free choice programs had a surprising turnout today during free choice period. A new twist on the

Viva Camp ASCCA!

by Megan Wright Session Two Tonight our dining hall was converted into a Las Vegas casino and some real high rollers rolled on in. With

Week Two at a Glance

by Jackie Popper Session 2 Though the internet has been down at camp we certainly haven’t stopped having fun here. This week has been filled

Sorry, our internet is down…

We are sorry to report that Camp ASCCA’s internet is down. We have been in communication with the service providers and are hoping to be

Clops Catches a Ride

by Jackie Popper Session 1 Our fearless camper, Clops, teamed up with a camper today for a short ride through some afternoon activities. Check out

Camp ASCCA’s Got Talent

By Megan Wright Session 1 If anyone ever questioned if our campers this week were awesome and super talented, they should have no doubts after

Meet The Staff: Aquatics

by Jackie Popper ASCCA Session One ASCCA has finally started; all of which would not be possible without the wonderful people making up our staff.