Camp ASCCA Blog

Counselor Orientation Video

by Jackie Popper Orientation Week Our newest camper Clops spent the week with our counselors at orientation. Here’s a small glimpse of what they have

Saying Goodbye to Camp MDA

Camp MDA is rounding the last bend in the track here at Camp ASCCA and the winner is….the campers! Whether the camper won a special

Clops Explores ASCCA

Hi, everyone! My name is Lewis Clark GoPro Jr., but my friends call me Clops. I’ll be spending my summer here at ASCCA and I

A Day Full of Firsts

By Megan Wright Orientation As you know, we’ve got a busy week going on here at Camp ASCCA with both the MDA Camp and Counselor

New Counselor Orientation

by Jackie Popper Orientation Week With ASCCA just around the corner there is a plethora of activity around camp and the buzz of anticipation is

Ladies of 798 Donation

We are blessed by many friends and supporters here at Camp ASCCA. This year we gained a new organization friend, Ladies of 798! The homepage

Intro to me, Megan Wright!

Helloooo Camp ASCCA and friends! My name is Megan and I am the “PR new girl” here to work with Jackie this summer. Since I’m

An Interview With Nurse Peggy

Here at ASCCA we have several nurses on staff, but what exactly do they do? Take a look at what one of our returning Nurses

Does your donation make a difference?

One of our former full-time staff members loves Camp ASCCA. Although she’s moved on, her heart never has. She still annually helps out Camp ASCCA’s

Meet The Staff: Nature

If you’ve got questions about anything outdoors, Adair Raybon is the girl you need to ask. We sat down with our Nature director on the

Welcome Camp APAC!

This week we are hosting the Children’s Aid Society, a group focused on assisting children and their families with immediate needs for care and safety,