Camp ASCCA Blog

Raptors Released at Camp ASCCA!

Staff from Auburn University’s Southeastern Raptor Center visited Camp ASCCA on two occasions this summer. There isn’t a lot of land that is suitable to

Until Next Summer Camp ASCCA…

Today was the last day of Camp for not only campers of session 6, but also many staff. Many are saying tearful goodbyes as this

Camp ASCCA Olympics 2011

Today has been another action packed day here at Camp ASCCA. The campers have kept high energy and have had a blast! Even though the

Tuesday Night Talent Night

Today was another awesome day at Camp! Everyone had an awesome morning at activites. I had the joy of watching many campers at the fishing


Everyones first full day here at camp was great! All of the campers got to participate in normal morning activities and then had free choice

Session 6

It’s time to start another week here at Camp ASCCA, and I know it’s going to be an awesome week. All of the campers have

Goodbye Session 5

Now that the week is finally at an end, I can now say that this week has been one of the best this summer. Everyone

Farewell to Summer 2011

Today I went to fishing and archery. I think it has been the best day at summer yet. Several campers caught many fish and there

Camp ASCCA hosts high adventure activities

Published 8:28pm Wednesday, August 3, 2011 By Austin Nelson, The Alabama Special Camp for Children and Adults has all of the usual activities you

Independent Film Fest

This morning I started working on the slideshow. This afternoon I went and played wii with some campers in the wii room. I played bowling

Mobile Rotary Film Festival!

Today was nothing but awesome here at camp! All of the campers have had a fantastic week and not ready for it to end! After

Talent Night

Today has been another awesome day here at Camp! It’s been hot but that hasn’t slowed the campers and staff down! Campers got to enjoy