Camp ASCCA Blog

Rotary golf tournament has banner year

Published 10:52am Wednesday, June 1, 2011 By Jeremy Smith The largest annual fundraiser for one of the city’s most benevolent groups exceeded expectations this

Radney students finish water quality classes

Radney students finish water quality classes Published 8:46pm Friday, May 6, 2011 Story and photo by Natalie Nettles Radney’s sixth grade enrichment class spent

Horse Show Set for Weekend

By Kendra Bolling Gather up the family and head over to the Covington Arena Friday and Saturday night for the annual Pilot Club of

19th Annual Fun Fish

This past weekend here at Camp ASCCA we held our 19th annual Fun Fish Weekend for anglers with disabilities. We started the weekend with one

Making the Most of Summer

Camp ASCCA 2010 counselor Elizabeth Hill recently participated in an interview for Crimson Connections, a newsletter for University of Alabama Parents. The article focuses on