Camp ASCCA Blog

Campers making crafts for the dance

Today in arts and crafts campers made a craft especially for the dance tomorrow night. Because our theme is Monster Mash, we made masks for

Home Depot Craft Project

Today, our friends at Home Depot brought over supplies to camp for our campers to create a project! Campers helped assemble wooden tool boxes, flower

Makin’ Music

I observe many activities on a daily basis here at Camp ASCCA, but one I hadn’t had the opportunity to be a part of was

A Sports and Games Favorite: Bocce!

For those of you who don’t know, bocce is played on our bocce court located between putt-putt and the splash pad. Campers and counselors are

Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Okay, so we didn’t have chicken for dinner tonight but we did hit the casino tables. It is casino night at camp tonight and the

Session 2 Begins!

Check-in day is coming to a close for our second week at Camp ASCCA. It’s always so exciting to observe the hustle and bustle of

Parting Traditions

It is tradition that on our last night at Camp ASCCA we host a dance for our campers; tonight was that night. Campers and counselors

Lips Sync Video

Here is the combination video of our talented campers from session one! -Lyndsie McClure See this and other videos at!