Camp ASCCA Blog

Day One of ASCCA Summer Sessions

Summer brings many things, ball games, swimming, vacations, and most importantly SUMMER CAMP!!! Here at Camp ASCCA we are so excited to see our campers

New Perspective

Orientation is coming to a close and I for one am thankful for the experience. As this is my first year as a public relations

Educating Our Staff

This week our ASCCA counselors have had the pleasure of listening to several presentations to further their knowledge about various disabilities they will encounter over

Counselors Learn Canoe Safety

Safety is highly emphasized here at Camp ASCCA. In order to make sure campers have the best experience while they are here, program staff trains

Water Training

Today, our staff spent a majority of the day training for water activities! They perfected the process of transferring campers in and out of the

High Spirits at the Zip Line

Muscular Dystrophy Association campers took to the zip line today. With help from the program staff on the ground, the children were able to pull

Group Elements

It’s the first full day of orientation and counselors are excited to be here. They not only learn about Camp ASCCA, but also about themselves

Camp APAC 2010 at Camp ASCCA

Alabama Post Adoption Connections (APAC) sponsors children to come to camp each summer. We are fortunate to be able to have this great camp here

Charter Foundation Supports Camp ASCCA

On Friday, June 11th, Mrs. Linda Drummond, long time Camp ASCCA supporter, delivered a generous contribution to Camp ASCCA on behalf of The Charter Foundation,