Camp ASCCA Blog

Parents Enjoy The Time At Camp Too!

Steve and Chris spent the week with their children during the St. James annual trip to Camp ASCCA. I always enjoy hearing how the parents

Jim Terry at Camp for the 15th time.

St. James has been coming to Camp ASCCA for 15 years to enjoy a spring Environmental Camp. Here is Mr. Terry, St. James Principal, talking

Round Table at the EEAA

I recently attended the EEAA Round Table meeting held annually that coincides with the annual EEAA Conference. This year it was held at the 4-H

How about and Environmental Field Trip?!?!

Wow!!! The holidays are over and spring is just around the corner….It’s time for Environmental Science Camps!!!! Each year schools from all over Alabama visit

How Clean is Our Water???

That’s the question posed to Tallapoosa County Middle School Students. Over the past 3 weeks we have hosted Water Quality Field Days here at camp.

Laughing and Learning with Nature

oday I found myself walking through nature. Camp ASCCA houses the Oscar C. Dunn Rotary Environmental Center. Inside you can learn about trees, reptiles, birds,