Camp ASCCA Blog

Camp Friends Reunited

Yesterday, something truly magical happened at Camp ASCCA. Michael Kelly, one of our unit leaders, was joined by his brother Brandon, who made a surprise

Session 3: Daily Activities

Yesterday at Camp ASCCA we officially got to participate in our daily activities. Since Camp is so big, there is a wide variety of activities

Session 3 Pool Party !!!

Yesterday, at Camp ASCCA we had our Red, White, and Blue pool party to kickoff Session 3. Since it was a particularly hot day they

Session Three Is In Full Swing!

In awe of how fast time flies, how can it already be session three? The last couple of weeks have absolutely flown by, but we

Session Two Comes to an End

What an amazing week we had here at Camp! We’ve done it all, danced, ziplined, made pizzas, met Auburn Football players, swam, laughed, and everything

Session 2: Holiday Dance

Today at Camp, We had our Holiday dance party to send off Session 2. Everyone had a great time at the dance including our very

Session 2: POOL PARTY

Yesterday at Camp ASCCA we had a camp wide Pool party!! (woo!!) It was great because it was a particularly hot at camp. It wasn’t

Auburn Football Visits Camp

Today we had the exciting opportunity to visit with a few of Auburn University’s football players! After rest, campers were greeted by our surprise guests

Session 2: Talent Show

Yesterday at Camp we hosted our very own Camp ASCCA talent show! Everybody got to show off their special talents and amazing singing voices for

Million Dollar Double Rides

Monday at zipline we got to experience a million dollar moment. Here at Camp when a camper is unable to ride the ziplines alone, we

Session 2: Daily Activities

Yesterday, we (officially) kicked off Session Two by getting to do our daily activities. There were a various amount of activities that were ran in