Camp ASCCA Blog

All About the Andrews Sisters!

The Andrews sisters (pictured below) are a familiar face at Camp ASCCA, but this year their smiles were extra brighter all because of Mackenzie (pictured

Good Morning from the Patio!

Welcome to our brand new area at camp: The Patio! The Patio is the newest addition to Camp ASCCA. This area was named in honor

Welcome Back to Camp!!

As all of us know, COVID-19 took a lot from us; one of those things being camp. Missing a year of camp has been hard

Boyer’s Emphasis on Team Building

Today, we sat down with our Adventure Program Specialist, Jacob Boyer, to ask him about the importance of team building activities. A large part of


Alabama Pre/Post Adoption Connections (APAC) is a collaborative effort between the Children’s Aid Society and the Alabama Department of Human Resources. The collaboration consists of