Camp ASCCA Blog

Friends of ASCCA: McCartney shares the importance of taking care of each other during a pandemic

June 30th is the awareness day for my disability, Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita. We celebrate by posting pictures on social media wearing blue, shoving pies in people’s faces, and basically talking about it all month long. In the spirit of this, my blog last year during June gave facts about my disability. But I feel that this year, a different kind of awareness-spreading is in order.

Camp ASCCA Welcomes Elise Quinn Back!

Join us as we welcome Elise Quinn as the new Social Media Specialist. She will be working Part-Time promoting Camp ASCCA through social media content,

Friends of ASCCA: Lizzie’s Top 5 Favorite ASCCA Programs

Since we aren’t having Camp this summer, I’m going to tell you what my top five favorite programs/activities are. My top favorite would probably have to be tubing. I’ve always loved tubing. I love having the water splash on my face and just having the thrill of excitement while riding in the inner tube.

Friends of ASCCA: Overcoming Fears with Windsor

There’s nothing to fear at Camp ASCCA. Even if you have a particular phobia, many fun activities will likely help you overcome it. Camp ASCCA has been adapted for everyone, so don’t be afraid to try something that may scare you at first.

Friends of ASCCA: Get to know Katie!

Hello, my name is Katie Farley. I have cerebral palsy. I cannot walk or do things like write, ride a bike, swim on my own, etc., but I choose to not let those things get me down. I look at it as I’m unique and not in a bad way in a good way. There are a lot of things I can do like talk, hear, read, learn things like how to do simple math problems, things like that. In high school, I went to Spain Park High School. I wasn’t in regular classes. I was in what you call an inclusive classroom.

Friends of ASCCA: Adapting to life during a pandemic

When someone meets me for the first time, it’s obvious to them that I have a disability. My curved arms and electric wheelchair are pretty conspicuous, and save me the trouble of figuring out the time to informally disclose my Arthrogryposis. But my disability affects me in another way that isn’t visible, and sometimes that makes this condition harder to accept and understand.

Summer 2020 Camp ASCCA Zoom Sessions

With the cancellation of Summer 2020 camps, we have been working hard to find ways to stay connected with campers. One of the most popular activities we have done so far is weekly conversations over Zoom calls with several Camp friends. We will be updating this blog with new videos each week.

Friends of ASCCA: Learning about unique traits with Windsor

What is your unique trait? Having a unique trait is an amazing thing to experience. It can be scary sometimes though, depending on your condition. Later in life, once you get used to having a unique trait and learn more about it, it may not be a big deal. There are many ways to describe and treat unique traits because we are all different in special ways.