Camp ASCCA Blog

Swimming into Session 6

Today marks the beginning of Session 6. This is our second to the last session of the summer, and we are so excited to get this week started! Campers arrived this afternoon especially enthusiastic for their fun week ahead! During check-in, we had a little rain, but after dinner, it cleared up just in time for us to have our pool party!

ASCCApalooza 2019

Last night was our 3rd annual ASCCApalooza. Many of our campers do not have the opportunity to attend concerts in their free time. So, we brought concerts to them! There are so many beautiful stage areas at camp, and palooza is the perfect way for campers to enjoy them! We started our music festival this afternoon in the BCK4T with performances by The Little Raine Band and Taylor Hunnicutt.

Dancing Through Mobile Rotary

Mobile Rotary week has been so full of fun and joy! We can’t believe the week is more than halfway over. We ended tonight with

Mother-Daughter Trio Takes on Camp

This summer, we had the joy of having a mother-daughter trio with us. Camper, Hannah Moon, her mother, and younger sister were all three with us during Session 3.

Talent! Talent! Read all About it!

Session 5 is in full swing, as today was our second full day of camp. On Tuesdays, we like to show off a little with our weekly talent show. Campers come prepared for the talent show, and it is always exciting to see what they have in store!

Everyone’s a Winner at ASCCA!

Here at Camp ASCCA, we have ASCCA achievements. They are given out by each program to one special individual who showed bravery, was super helpful


Session 5 is full of many exciting things. We host our annual ASCCAPALOOZA this Thursday. Our music festival will begin on Thursday afternoon and continue until after dinner. Campers look forward to the event all year!

Welcome Session 5!

Session 5, Mobile Rotary week, started off in full force today. Yesterday staff headed down to Mobile and woke up bright and early to begin check-in for this week! Unlike the other sessions, we go to Mobile, check campers in, and load up on buses to come to Camp!