Camp ASCCA Blog

Friends of ASCCA: Windsor shares about cabin life

From Whoville to Candyland, cabin life is fun and games.

When you arrive at Camp ASCCA, you are given your assigned cabin by counselors who greet you in the parking lot with a lanyard to wear that has your name and the names of your counselor and cabin on it. After signing in, you meet your counselor, who takes your bags to your cabin and places them under the bed picked out for you. Your counselor will ask which sheets they have that you would like for your bed and then makes your bed for you. The rest of the first day you can acclimate to cabin life and start to get to know your bunkmates.

Summer camps suspended due to COVID-19

Unfortunately based on the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainty that surrounds it, we have decided to suspend summer camps for 2020. This is disappointing for all of us, but as always our number one priority is the safety and well-being of our campers and staff.

5 ways to prepare for an ASCCA summer

A summer at Camp ASCCA is a summer you will never forget. So many of our summer staff members and campers can confirm that it is a place that you will call your home away from home. As we get closer to a new summer, we want to make sure that you are prepared. Begin your #ASCCA2020 prep with these five tips.

Friends of ASCCA: Lizzie’s First Summer

I remember the first time I went to ASCCA. It was about 5/6 years ago. I remember after I got dropped off, I was scared. It was my first time ever being away from my parents at a sleep away camp. I was scared and nervous because I didn’t know what I was going to expect. I was nervous at first but by mid-Monday or that mid-Tuesday all my nervousness just magically went away. The nervousness turned into joy and happiness. It didn’t take me long at all to realize that ASCCA could be a second home for me. I immediately started making these really amazing friendships with all these wonderful people and most of the people I met then I’m still friends with today.

Camp ASCCA Welcomes Jon Dollar to our Full-Time Staff!

Join us as we welcome back Jon Dollar to the Camp ASCCA Staff! He has worked at Camp ASCCA for several summers in college on the program staff and on the summer leadership staff. He is now joining us as our full-time Outdoor Education Specialist. He will be in charge of several programs including demo farm, fishing, archery, nature, horseback riding and sports & games.

Friends of ASCCA: Finding love in your favorite place

February is a very feel-good month; we get to show our love, eat chocolate, and celebrate black history. It can also feel a bit lonely when you’re single, but for the first time ever, I dont have that to worry about. I’ve been dating Carson for over seven months now, and I have to say I highly recommend this whole “being in love” thing.

Friends of ASCCA: The Inside Scoop on Indoor Activities

Since Camp ASCCA is a summer camp, you would naturally assume all outdoor activities, but you would be half right and half wrong. The whole week is packed with both indoor and outdoor fun. The best indoor activities can be found in the BCK4T and the Wii Room.

Friends Of ASCCA: Get to know Lizzie!

Hello everyone. My name is Elizabeth McGlynn, but everyone calls me Lizzie. I have a rare disability called Joubert syndrome. Joubert syndrome affects the part of the brain that controls balance and coordination.

Friends of ASCCA: Friends I’ve Met at Camp

Before Camp ASCCA, I did not have many friends. Those I did make would sometimes move away, and others didn’t understand my condition and would reject me. This hurt to the point that I just stopped trusting anyone as a friend. However, in 2018, Camp ASCCA changed everything.

Friends of ASCCA: It’s a Dream Come True

Happy holidays, readers! This year is off to a wonderful start, and I have so much to tell you about! Before I get to everything that happened over the break though, there’s something I have been absolutely dying to share. This blog took me much longer than I had hoped, so the wait has been really agonizing. 2020 has been so great, and I hope you’ll enjoy reading this as much as I have enjoyed living it.