Camp ASCCA Blog

Friends of ASCCA: Finding love in your favorite place

February is a very feel-good month; we get to show our love, eat chocolate, and celebrate black history. It can also feel a bit lonely when you’re single, but for the first time ever, I dont have that to worry about. I’ve been dating Carson for over seven months now, and I have to say I highly recommend this whole “being in love” thing.

Friends of ASCCA: The Inside Scoop on Indoor Activities

Since Camp ASCCA is a summer camp, you would naturally assume all outdoor activities, but you would be half right and half wrong. The whole week is packed with both indoor and outdoor fun. The best indoor activities can be found in the BCK4T and the Wii Room.

Friends Of ASCCA: Get to know Lizzie!

Hello everyone. My name is Elizabeth McGlynn, but everyone calls me Lizzie. I have a rare disability called Joubert syndrome. Joubert syndrome affects the part of the brain that controls balance and coordination.

Friends of ASCCA: Friends I’ve Met at Camp

Before Camp ASCCA, I did not have many friends. Those I did make would sometimes move away, and others didn’t understand my condition and would reject me. This hurt to the point that I just stopped trusting anyone as a friend. However, in 2018, Camp ASCCA changed everything.

Friends of ASCCA: It’s a Dream Come True

Happy holidays, readers! This year is off to a wonderful start, and I have so much to tell you about! Before I get to everything that happened over the break though, there’s something I have been absolutely dying to share. This blog took me much longer than I had hoped, so the wait has been really agonizing. 2020 has been so great, and I hope you’ll enjoy reading this as much as I have enjoyed living it.

Friends of ASCCA: Thankful for Epilepsy

I had seizures from the time I was born, but the first seizure my parents knew about happened in October 2002 when I was 3 years old. It was the middle of the night, and my mom thought she heard me throwing up.

It was a Monster Mash

Fall Family Weekend comes at the perfect time of year. The air is just right, the need for reconnection with your closest friends is a must and it is a time to get back to some of the most fun moments in life at Camp ASCCA. This year’s fall weekend was just that with a dose of cold rain this morning, but we did not let that stop us.

Feels Good To Be Back

Fall Family Weekend is finally here and we could not be more excited! Our campers arrived this afternoon ready for a weekend packed full of

Friends of ASCCA: McCartney shares about the Camp ASCCA community

When I left for camp Sunday morning, I was depressed. I’d spent the last few months in what seemed like a never ending spiral of anxiety. If I wasn’t stressing about my future, I was probably calling myself a terrible writer, a terrible advocate and an all around terrible, unlovable human being. I woke up that morning convinced I was destined to a life of loneliness and wasted potential.