Camp ASCCA Blog

Session 2, We Will Miss You!

As Session 2 comes to an end, we would like to thank each and every one of our campers for making this week so special. Today was a great way to end our second session of the summer!

Thank you, Exelon!

We would like to extend our warmest Camp ASCCA thank you to Exelon Generation of Alexander City!

Raving About Session 2!

Session 2 has been such a blast and the party keeps going! Tonight for the first time ever we had a blackout party for our

Meet Our 2019 Summer Nurses!

Meet two of our summer 2019 nurses, Chandler and Christian! They started working at ASCCA as CIT’s when they were 15 and now look at

Talent Show Tuesday

At Camp ASCCA, Tuesday means talent show! Every Tuesday we hold our talent show which gives campers the opportunity to show off their unique talents. This week we had our largest talent show line up yet with around fifty acts. Performances included everything from solos, group acts, a lightsaber battle, and a showing of a cross-stitch masterpiece!

Catch Up With Nurse Jaco This Summer!

Today I had the chance to sit down and catch up with our head nurse, Sean Jaco! Jaco started as a counselor at Camp ASCCA in 1988 and ever since then he has always found his way back. He worked as a counselor, summer nurse, and he is now the Director of Health Services here!

ASCCA Achievements for the Win!

At ASCCA, we have something called ASCCA Achievements. These are awards given by program staff to campers who came to their programs and showed great enthusiasm, courage, or excelled that day! Some campers may earn them from overcoming their fear of something, while others might earn it by encouraging their friends who are nervous to try something new.

3, 2, 1, Bullseye!

Today we had a super exciting day at archery! All of the campers came out super ready to get their hands on a bow and arrow and get the chance to aim at the target.

Woohoo, it’s Session 2!

Today marked the first day of Session 2. The summer is moving along nicely, and we are excited to see what Session 2 has in store! Check-in started and campers eagerly started rolling in excited to start their week! This week is one of our largest weeks of the summer, and we are excited to kick things off!

Making a Splash for Session 2

Today kicked off the first day of Session 2. We are so excited that our campers are here this week, so we celebrated the best way we know how, with a pool party!