Camp ASCCA Blog

A Night to Remember

Historically, the dance at Camp ASCCA is always a night to remember. Campers anticipate the dance night all year long. When this special night rolls around, everyone comes to dinner dressed to impress, and some even write love notes asking others to save them a dance. This year the dance was a little different, and very exciting for campers!

Nature You’re Neat

Our morning was spent learning all about nature! Our nature guy, Lance, did a great job showing us all the cool things around Camp like

Cooking Up Fun

This afternoon during free choice, campers had the option of cooking class. This was a unique option for the week, and definitely a popular one among campers! As campers came to the dining hall for this activity, they were greeted by program staff members Abbie and Mills, along with a long table of goodies.

Who’s Got Talent?

We ended our fun-filled Tuesday with a talent show! Our talent show is easily one of the most fun activites at Camp ASCCA. Campers come

Musical Canvases on a Magical Monday

Today was an exciting day here at ASCCA. The first full day of camp started this morning with beautiful weather and a lot of fun! After breakfast, cabins split into their groups to start an exciting day! Many songs were sung this morning, but no Monday blues here at Camp ASCCA!

Monday Was Right On Target

The first full day of Session 1 was a blast! This afternoon we made our way to archery where our campers tried super hard to

Night One Means Fun!

Tonight kicked off the first night of Session 1 and we could not be more excited to see what the week holds! During check-in, there was a quick rain shower, but campers stayed hopeful and dry. After dinner, half of the cabins went to the pool party while others were able to choose several free choice activities to participate in.

BCK4T and Charity Bowden to End a Perfect Week!

Today concluded the final day of Bonus Session 0. This week has been an exciting start to our summer! Campers reconnected with old friends, bonded with new ones, and stepped out of their comfort zones all with huge smiles on their faces. A great first week deserves to be celebrated the best way we know how here at Camp with a rockin’ concert!

Everyone Is A Winner At ASCCA

As our last full day of Bonus Session 0 came to a close we had our weekly ASCCA achievements. Each week our program staff picks

The Best Way To Beat The Heat

In this summer heat the best way to keep cool is playing in the water. Nothing screams fun quite like our waterslide. Campers love the slide and can’t wait to get to the top and slide down.