Camp ASCCA Blog

And the Award Goes To

Wow, what a week it has been here at Camp ASCCA. Session six was nothing but amazing and it was a special week for a lot of our staff. As school begins to start a lot of our staff members had to say their goodbyes last night as their fun filled summer here at Camp has to come to an end…

A Formal Night to Remember

Dances are often the highlight of a week at Camp, and this week’s formal was a definite hit! Almost every week, Dj Codiak (Outdoor Education Director Cody) plays popular hits for about an hour and a half while everyone dances with their best friends and sings at the top of their lungs. During this year’s Session 6, we set a special night aside for a formal dance similar to a formal many young adults attend in college. Many of our campers this week are between the ages of 19 and 35, so it was a perfect crowd for a night like this.

Everyone Wins

On Monday night our Camp split into two different groups and half of them went to the pool party while the other half went to the Camp ASCCA casino. Last night for evening program, the groups visited whatever they did not go to on Monday night…

Who’s Got Talent

As our second full day comes to an end, I would like to take a look back on last night. Yesterday was a normal day here at Camp, which included some rain and a little thunder. Throughout the day everyone kept talking about the talent show that was last night…

What Happened Last Night?

It was the first pool party of Session 6 and the entire camp was extremely excited to jump in! It was a night full of laughs and playing around with the campers…

A Night at the Camp ASCCA Casino

As our first full day of session six was a blast, I hope today can top it! Yesterday, the campers of session six had a great time during rotations, but last night’s activities were the perfect way to end a fantastic day…

Russell Craig Visits Camp ASCCA

Yesterday was finally Sunday and we all know what that means, it was time for another week of Camp! As campers arrived yesterday afternoon for check in, everyone was talking about the concert we had planned for later that evening…