The Camp ASCCA Good Times 2018 Fall Newsletter
Our 42nd summer was a season to remember, and we got to share incredible, new opportunities like the LPR zipline, a concert series, and much more with new campers and staff.
Our 42nd summer was a season to remember, and we got to share incredible, new opportunities like the LPR zipline, a concert series, and much more with new campers and staff.
We would like for you to join us as we welcome back Sean Jaco as the new Director of Health Services!
At the end of the summer, campers were treated to two amazing concerts by two legendary artists!
Earlier this week, Camp Administrator John Stephenson and Director of Marketing Communications Dana Rickman traveled across Central Alabama for a couple United Way kickoff events.https://www.riverregionunitedway.org/
Camper Mark Heine shares his experiences after attending Camp for 35 years.
Relive the highlights from Camp ASCCA’s final session of summer 2018!
Session 7 has officially come to a close, and it is hard to believe that the 42nd ASCCA summer is over. Every week, we celebrate the campers who attend, and many campers receive awards that are chosen by program staff and their peers. We had a smaller number of campers this week, and we were joined by our friends from the Alabama Head Injury Foundation and their buddies.
The final summer session of 2018 has come to a close! Relive the memories!
Next week, we will be joined by our friends from the Macon ARC for a week of fun-filled Camp ASCCA programs. On Thursday night, the ASCCA Concert Series will continue as Will Stewart joins us on the Big Stage to perform.
Well just like everyone says, all good things have to come to an end. Well here at Camp ASCCA we make sure we end them the appropriate way! Last night we had another concert on the Big Stage @ ASCCA, which finished up our concert series for this summer. What a concert it was, we had The Purple Madness with Bobby Miller as Prince.
It seems like just yesterday I was leaving my apartment to head to Camp ASCCA for the first time. I will be honest, I was a little bit nervous but was excited to see what this summer had in store for me…
Located in Alabama on Lake Martin, Camp ASCCA offers campers a wide variety of traditional recreational and educational activities with a unique design for accessibility.
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