Camp ASCCA Blog

A Great Way to End the First Full Day

Yesterday was another great day here at Camp ASCCA, and it was the first full day of session three. Yesterday, campers spent the day going to different programs that we offer here at Camp like the zipline, music at the OutPost and many more…

Pool Time!

The pool was open and ready for business! It was the first pool party of the week and it was the perfect day because…

Kick Off Mixer for Session Three

Session three has began, and everyone including the Camp ASCCA staff is ready for another great week. Yesterday, campers arrived with their families and said their goodbyes…

Gifts From the Girl Scouts!

It was the first day of Camp ASCCA Session Three Teen Week and it was way different than any first day this summer. One of the best things from today was having Girl Scout Troop 7282 back…

It’s The Eighties!

The end of Session Two has come upon us but only thing we have left to do is dance till our feet turn blue…

ASCCA Awards Session Two

With session two coming to an end, I can honestly say that this week was one of the best weeks of my life. This week was adult week here at Camp ASCCA, which consist of anyone that is twenty four years of age or older…

The Show Has Begun!

Last night was a truly special night for all of Camp ASCCA. Every camper truly expressed themselves and left it all out on the stage…