Camp ASCCA Blog

Girl Scout Troop 7282 chooses Camp ASCCA as a community project

Girl Scout Troop 7282 traveled from Auburn to visit Camp ASCCA on Sunday and to be a part of the check-in process for Session 1. The girls arrived with many donations in hand, and they even setup a table of lemonade and cookies to give to campers, families, and staff as they passed by the pavilion in need of a treat.

A Great Ending to a Great Week

As this year’s orientation week comes to a close, I can honestly say that the summer staff is ready for just about anything. Yesterday was a very eventful day…

Guest Speaker Rocky Truman

Guest Speaker Rocky Truman comes to share his story and perspective of being deaf in this huge world…

Familiar Faces (Video)

Watch as returning staff members share why they keep coming back to work at Camp ASCCA.

What a Start for this Summer’s Camp ASCCA Staff!

Day one has come to an end, and with only a week left until Camp ASCCA starts, this summer’s staff is ready to work. Today, everyone arrived at Camp, including counselors, nurses, SCITs, and unit leaders…