Camp ASCCA Blog

Did Someone Say “Pool Party?”

Campers and counselors splashed into the first night of Session 7 with our last pool party of the summer! We usually split the pool parties up between the first two nights, but since there’s fewer campers this week, everyone got to enjoy a night at the pool with all their friends.

So Long, Farewell

This summer has flown by. Last year here felt like an eternity, and I miss that feeling this year. I am super glad I got to stay for an extra session this time, but it still isn’t enough time. To truly understand ASCCA, you have to experience it yourself.

Ahoy matey! Let’s dance!

Last night, campers and counselors joined together for the final event of Session 6, the Pirates and Mermaids Dance. Everyone arrived at the dining hall dressed in their pirates best and some even made a splash as beautiful mermaids. After the long-awaited chicken finger dinner, campers and staff were sent to the back porch of the dining hall as the program staff moved tables and chairs to prepare the dance floor.

ASCCA has The Voice!

Last night, we tried something new at camp, The Voice. Since the talent show was camper centered, we let our staff be the stars of The Voice. Each cabin could pick one or more staff and campers to perform a song for the judges. Each cabin also had to pick a camper and staff to be the judge.

Session Six Singing!

The session 6 talent show rocked Lion’s Lodge last night with so many acts we had to push back bed time! We kicked it off with Ame Hill and He Knows My Name. We had campers performing plenty of classics. Paul Carwell sang Amazing Grace, and Patricia Dean sang Sweet Home Alabama. Both these songs are always going to get everyone singing along during talent shows.

Visitors from Beijing, China!

Our special guests have arrived! We have visitors from Beijing, China joining us for camp activities. They were supposed to arrive on Sunday night, but

A View From the Pool

Last night, campers from Moundville, Creek, Davis, Choctaw, & Cheaha cabins had their own pool party! This was an opportunity for the PR staff to

Session 6 Starting Strong!

Session 6 has finally begun, and our campers in Chickasaw, Cherokee, Crow, and Redstick cabins celebrated with a pool party!

“Adios!” from PR Intern Karla Silva

Has it really already been six weeks? This summer flew by but it was such an honor to be a part of the Camp ASCCA summer 2017 family! I have learned so much about other people, my profession, and myself while being here. This has truly been a life changing journey that I am so excited I decided to take on.