Camp ASCCA Blog

Session 2: Talent Show

Yesterday at Camp we hosted our very own Camp ASCCA talent show! Everybody got to show off their special talents and amazing singing voices for

Million Dollar Double Rides

Monday at zipline we got to experience a million dollar moment. Here at Camp when a camper is unable to ride the ziplines alone, we

Session 2: Daily Activities

Yesterday, we (officially) kicked off Session Two by getting to do our daily activities. There were a various amount of activities that were ran in


Yesterday at Camp ASCCA we kicked off Session 2 with our Banana Olympics, (yay!) Each group split up into different teams and was assigned a

Session Two Has Begun!

Yesterday we welcomed our campers to their home for the week. Session two campers range from six to twenty-one years old, every single one of

Wrapping up session one!

This past week at camp has been nothing short of extraordinary, filled with memorable activities and special events that made it truly unique. From the


Yesterday, at Camp ASCCA we had our Decades Dance to officially send-off Session 1 (woohoo!). Everyone dressed in their nice decade clothing and danced to


Yesterday at Camp we got the chance to attend our very own Adam Hood concert brought to us by our very own Camp ASCCA staff.

Tubing and Trying New Things!

One of the star events here at camp is tubing on the lake. Campers and staff love to ride the waves. I had the opportunity


Today at Camp ASCCA we had our very own camp talent show, everyone who signed up at lunch got to show off their special talents,

Little Italy comes to Camp!

Today we had the pleasure of welcoming Little Italy to Camp! Mark McClurg, the owner of Little Italy Auburn, and one of his one of