Camp ASCCA Blog

PR Intern Jasmine Reed says Farewell

As I drove through the Camp ASCCA gates on May 30th, there were so many emotions running through me at once. I was nervous because I wasn’t sure how I’d fit in, afraid because I didn’t want to fail, but I was also hopeful for a life-changing experience. And that’s exactly what I got!

Went out with a Bang!

On our last full day this week, our campers had free choice activities in the afternoon before dinner. There was a great turnout at riflery with ten campers. We even had another camper come with us that just wanted to fish.

Scrub-a-Dub-Dub in the Tub

It was bath time at demonstration farm this afternoon! During free choice today, program staff employees Briana and Isabel hosted baths for Lizzie the donkey and Skip the horse. The group was taken over to the demo farm on the people mover and then directed to sit on the picnic table and benches inside of the farm. The group was asked whether they wanted to help wash the donkey or the hourse. The group that wanted to bathe the donkey stayed with Briana at the farm and the group that wanted to bathe the horse walked up to the barn with Isabel.

“Dance Like Nobody’s Watching!”

It was only right that we ended the last night of Mobile Rotary Week with a bang! Campers had the most epic dance party we’ve seen all summer. Everywhere you turned there was a huddle with someone in the middle of it, tearing the dance floor up to no end. It’s the day campers look forward to all week and, each each time it just keeps getting better.

Secret Concert!

Our schedules for this week said “It’s a Mystery” for Wednesday’s night activity. No one knew what was going to happen when dinner was over, but Camp Director Matt Rickman told us all to head to The OutPost. We ended up having a concert by local band Route 66!

Meet our Nurses!

All of our staff members play a vital role in how successful a day at Camp is. But there’s one group of staff members in particular whose role is probably one of the most important ones at Camp. Everyday, our nurses are hard at work sorting and distributing meds to all the campers at designated times and making sure everyone, including staff, are safe and in good health for the day’s activities. We’ve got some amazing nurses on Summer Staff this year and we though it’d be nice for you all to meet them!

Trussville Noon Rotary Club

Today, the Director of Marketing and Communications Dana Rickman and summer PR Intern Karla Silva traveled to Birmingham, Alabama, to speak at one of the Trussville Noon Rotary Club meetings. Mrs. Rickman was invited to come speak about Camp ASCCA by Mrs. Ann Layne. Mrs. Layne, her husband Ron, and others in this rotary club are longtime donors of Camp ASCCA.

Backwards Tuesday!

This week’s theme is “Camp ASCCA Mysteries” and fittingly Tuesday afternoon we had a mystery snack. Campers and staff grabbed a snack out of the box without knowing what they would get. Some got Kit Kats, Goldfish crackers, or Fig Newtons.

Camp ASCCA’s Got Talent

Today during our backwards day, we had the talent show first thing in the morning! After breakfast, campers and all of the staff headed to the Outpost to see what kind of talents campers in session 5 had. This is the talent show with the most participation and the most acts. There were about 70 campers signed up for this talent show.

Synchronized Swimming with Victoria and Gwin!

Campers had the time of their lives tonight as they learned a synchronized swimming routine from Program Staff members Gwin Walker and Victoria Dean. According to Gwin and Victoria, Free Choice at the pool during Mobile Rotary Week always turns in to synchronized swimming of some sort. Last week, they were playing around and making up moves to “Under the Sea” from Disney’s The Litte Mermaid , and thought it’d be cool to add it to this week’s schedule.