Camp ASCCA Blog

Session Four Get Ready to Soar!

What time is it? Camp ASCCA time! It feels like the summer just started but it’s already the beginning of session four! There are so many fun activities awaiting our campers this week and we cannot wait for all of them to experience new things.

Soul Stones!

While half our cabins had a pool party, Crow, Redstick, Chickasaw, and Creek cabins painted soul stones. This new activity here at camp will be one that lasts much longer than the week the campers are here. The campers and counselors painted their stones with whatever colors and words they wanted and let them dry.

Ain’t No Party like an ASCCA Pool Party!

Campers from Cheaha, Choctaw, Crow, Moundville, Cherokee, and Davis cabins splashed into the first night of Session 4 at tonight’s pool party! They enjoyed floating around with their fellow campers and watching the sun set.

Presenting the 2017 ASCCA Prom King and Queen

Congratulations are in order to the 2017 Teen Week Prom King Daniel Gonsalves and Prom Queen Kelsi Moore. Throughout the week, campers campaigned as voting day swiftly approached. There were signs on different buildings all across camp! Some people were like Kelsi and even brought yard signs which they stuck in the ground along sidewalks. The amount of preparation, creativity and effort put into everything was extremely impressive!

Session 3 Rocks Themed Outfits

Session 3 at ASCCA had a different theme for each day of the week instead of just one theme for the whole week like the rest of our sessions. Our campers and staff showed off different outfits for Monday through Thursday.


Prom night was a blast! The night started out with prom date photos and a fancy dinner in the dining hall and patio. Every counselor and camper lined up to get their photograph taken with their date(s). After their picture was taken, they were escorted into the dining hall and were able to start getting ready for dinner. Plates of chicken cordon bleu, green beans, and rice were served by Food Services Director Enis Higgs, the rest of the kitchen staff, and program staff. After dinner, everyone was sent out onto the patio so that program staff could get the dining hall ready for the dance!

Beyond the Lights!

Yesterday we had the first annual ASCCApalooza! The artists that made the festival extra special were members of Birmingham based “creative artist development academy” Nashville Bound, Charity Bowden, Jackson Capps, and Sweet Tea Trio. They were all great on stage, danced with campers before and after their performances, and took pictures with everyone that asked for some! But what are the artists like beyond the lights?

Boys Will be Boys!

“Wednesdays are for the boys!” That was the motto for tonight as the guys enjoyed having the dining hall all to themselves, while the girls were off doing their own thing. Other than Prom, this is also a night that campers look forward to throughout the week.

Who Run the World? GIRLS!

Tonight was girls night! The unit leaders, program staff, and counselors all got together to think of the perfect way to celebrate the young women joining us during session 3! They all decided on decorating cupcakes, painting nails, laying down to relax, dancing, and writing promposal posters for the guys!

Auburn U Players Join Sports Camp

Sports Camp was treated to a visit from the Auburn wheelchair basketball team. Nathan Waters, Accommodation Specialist at Auburn University brought basketball wheelchairs and as well as some members of the team.