Camp ASCCA Blog

Counselors of ASCCA: Taylor Walls

The first in a four part series of Counselor Spotlights. Get to know Taylor Walls as he takes us through his first summer at ASCCA!

Camp ASCCA is to DYE for!

This week, every day is a different dress-up theme! We will be participating in Marvel Monday, Tie Die Tuesday for ASCCApalooza, Wonderful World of Sports Wednesday, and True to ASCCA Thursday. This week is different than any of the others because everyone dresses up every day and because the week ends with prom on Thursday night!

They’re Baaacckk!

Girl Scout Troop 7282 of Auburn, Alabama, returned today with cookies and lemonade for parents and campers during check-in. After dinner, they stayed behind to do a fun arts and crafts activity with everyone. Throughout the summer they’ll be on site doing other fun activities with campers as they work towards their goal of receiving the Girl Scout Silver Award. As mentioned in an earlier blog post, the Girls Scout Silver Award requires 50 hours of community service from each Girl Scout Cadette and is the highest award they can earn!

S-P-O-R-T Sports Camp is the Place to Be

While ASCCA is having Teen Week, we also have Sports Camp this session. Sports Camp is centered around sports of course, so all of their activities are sports related. Instead of going to rotations in groups with Teen Week campers, our campers in Sports Week have their own schedule of activities.

Throwback Thursday

At tonight’s dance, campers relived their earlier years with throwback jams like “Ice, Ice, Baby” by Vanilla Ice and “Beat It” by Michael Jackson. This week’s theme was Flintstones to Jetsons also known as Decades Day! Everyone showed up in their best throwback or futuristics outfits, ready to dance the night away.

I “Goat” a Bath!

We love Demo Farm! Demo Farm was visited by all ten groups this week and they loved it. Demo Farm Director Briana gives her speech on the farm’s rules and what should be done in order to have a fun and safe environment. Every camper was able to meet and pet chickens, goats, and donkeys and look at rabbits and pigs. Chickens are brought out by the counselors and Demo Farm Director Briana. The goats and donkeys are brought out with leads to the campers so that they may be met and groomed. Campers ask about the animals all week long and it’s exciting every time they get to visit the farm.

B1! G8! N5!

The entire camp ended the fourth night of Session #2 with a big game of BINGO at the Dining Hall! Program staff employees Gwin and Leah called out numbers while Briana and Meghan managed the prize table. As letters and numbers were called out, campers and counselors put little markers on the matching square if they had it. The first person to fill a row of 5 and yell “Bingo!” won the round and was able to go pick out a reward from the prize table. If a camper incorrectly called “Bingo,” their counselor had to go up and perform in whatever manner the program staff told them to. Multiple counselors had to go up to the front of the Dining Hall to perform for the rest of the camp.

2017 Cabin Themes!

Every summer during orientation, our staff pick themes after they have assigned to their cabins. They spend the weekend before camp starts decorating their cabins, and some continue to add to the decor throughout the summer.