Last night was incredible! It was the night of the cabin talent show, and I wish anyone who has ever been a part of Camp ASCCA could have seen it. It was lovely! Every cabin had to put on their own show for the rest of camp, and the campers had to be a part of it just as much as their counselors. Trust and believe that every camper participated in this talent show. You’ll be able to see the proof in all the pictures. Yesterday was also Color Wars, so each cabin was assigned a color and had to show it every way possible. One of the key ways some cabins showed their spirit was in the dining hall and the OutPost by putting up streamers and posters expressing cabin love.
Chickasaw started out the night as the first girl cabin to perform, and they performed “Strut” by The Cheetah Girls. They used a huge banner to show off, and every camper was jamming! Moundville came out strong performing the song “California Girls” but with a twist, “Moundville Girls”. They were loud and proud to be the Moundville Girls. They changed the words of the song to relate to their cabin, and then they did their loudest chants ever.
Creek definitely showed their love for everyone in their showcasing. They performed to the song “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” by Whitney Houston. I am sure you all know about the love notes we do here at Camp. Well, Creek Squad included them in their performance by giving each camper a heart, and on their heart was the name of their camp sweetheart. Once they revealed the name, the person came on stage and danced with them. Cherokee definitely did an original song by performing their version of “Summer Lovin'” from Grease. Each girl from the cabin dressed as someone else from camp such as Matt Rickman or Nurse Abbey. It was one of the sweetest and most creative performances.
A surprise to everyone was a performance from the PR staff including myself. We had a bunch of fun by dancing to “Somebody’s Watching Me” by Rockwell. Of course it had to be related to us because we’re ALWAYS taking pictures of everyone. As Session 3 picks up more today, be sure to stay updated by following our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. To see pictures from activities like last night’s girl’s night, visit our Flickr page throughout the week.