Madi will arrive at Camp ASCCA this Sunday as a Senior CIT for the 2015 summer!

Madi will arrive at Camp ASCCA this Sunday as a Senior CIT for the 2015 summer! We can’t wait for people like her – people who “get it!”

Madi participated in a summer Philanthropy class at her high school, Lee Scott Academy, and was able to donate a full campership to Camp ASCCA. The donation provides for a camper to attend one week of summer camp!


Philanthropy 101 is a three-week summer program for rising seniors at Lee-Scott Academy that brings the principles of philanthropy to life. Students become more keenly aware of society’s growing needs and begin to develop the understanding, desire, ability, and instincts for philanthropic service. Real-world learning is central to this course, and students visit a variety of nonprofit agencies and foundations and hear speakers from a number of charitable organizations. As part of the curriculum, students learn how to analyze a nonprofit’s annual financial statement and how a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization operates. While they earn no school credit for completing the course, students who are accepted to the program will receive a stipend from which they are required to donate a minimum of $700 to a nonprofit organization and present an informed rationale for their choice.

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