Camp ASCCA alumnus, Bob Kuykendall, climbs to make a difference

In 1986, Bob Kuykendall was looking for a place to spend his summer making a difference and enjoying life outdoors. He applied to work at Camp ASCCA and fell in love with the campers and staff his first summer. He decided to stick around for two more summers and worked on the program staff as a fishing specialist.

At a young age, Bob dreamed of working for the United States government and later applied during one of his summer’s at Camp ASCCA. As a part of the evaluation process, government officials one day visited camp to see what exactly Bob’s role was and to learn more about the mission of camp. Not long after that summer, Bob was offered a position, and he believes that Camp ASCCA played a big role in how he was chosen. Bob has now worked for the government for approximately 23 years and also had the opportunity to work with nonprofit organizations through the positions he has had over the years.

Bob K and friends at Camp ASCCA

In a recent moment of reminiscence, Bob stopped by Camp ASCCA to pay a visit to the place that he believes molded him into the man he is today. Thanks to the impact camp had on his life, Bob has a heart for making a difference and the nonprofit world. After recently donating one of his kidneys to someone he had known for several years, Bob and his friend reconnected with the intention of raising awareness about the importance of organ donation and the Alabama Kidney Foundation.

In an effort to make a difference and shine a light on the importance of every individual, both gentlemen left their transplants with the desire to “somehow inspire others to overcome obstacles whether those be physical, emotional, or spiritual in nature.” However, people everywhere are looking for ways to raise awareness about things that they are passionate about, so Bob felt the need to find a much bigger, unique way to reach people.

Bob, his son, and many others are now a part of an organization known as Team Mountain. All of the members have come together to climb the highest mountain in Africa, Mt. Kilimanjaro. Their first trip to Tanzania will be this year in June. Each climber will be representing the cause of their choice in hopes of raising awareness along the trek. When asked about how so many causes were brought into the climb, Bob referred to Team Mountain as an opportunity to “support and recognize those who support and recognize others.”

As an organization with the mission of changing lives, we here at Camp ASCCA love to see our past alumni taking the passions they found here and using them to impact the world. To learn more about Team Mountain and what’s ahead for them leading up to their climb in June, visit!

Team Mountain Logo

From all of us here at Camp ASCCA, we wish the best of luck to Team Mountain!

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