Camp ASCCA Board Secretary Dale Glover presented with Easter Seals Alabama Award

Each year Camp ASCCA has the opportunity to nominate someone for the Easter Seals Alabama Gold Award. The nominee is often a person who has shown great devotion and dedication to Camp ASCCA for more than 5 years. This year Camp ASCCA nominated Dale Glover of Tuscaloosa to be a 2016 recipient of an Easter Seals Gold Award.

Easter Seals Alabama presents this award to volunteers who have contributed in a significant manner to the work of the organization for no less than five years. Their involvement can be through Easter Seals county chapters, Easter Seals affiliate boards, Easter Seals corporate board and committees, fundraising events or activities that benefit Easter Seals Alabama programs and services.

Ms. Dale Glover was described to the group as being a woman who has shown great devotion, service and love to Camp ASCCA for more than 15 years. She was first introduced to Camp ASCCA in 2000 as a friend of a board member and has been a part of the organization ever since through various capacities. She currently serves as Secretary of the Board of Directors of Camp ASCCA and has given much of her time to camp over the years through special events and volunteering opportunities. Her daughter worked as a member of the ASCCA summer staff for several years, and the passion their family found for this place is one of many reasons why Dale has continued to work alongside the organization. For many years, this incredible woman has given to camp personally as a regular donor and has also encouraged her family to give to Camp ASCCA. She continues to introduce new individuals to ASCCA as volunteers, donors, and lifelong camp friends.

This weekend at the 2017 Winter Board Meeting, Dale was thanked by fellow board members and ASCCA staff members for continuing to be a wonderful example of service to many children and adults with disabilities.

Dale is shown after receiving the Gold Award from Camp ASCCA Administrator John Stephenson.

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