Yesterday, at Camp ASCCA we had our Decades Dance to officially send-off Session 1 (woohoo!). Everyone dressed in their nice decade clothing and danced to music that the DJ played all night. Some of our friends got together and showed off their best dance moves at the ball. While we were there they served refreshments to quench our thirst incase we got parched, and needed a little energizer to get through the fun evening. All together Dj Tre did a great job with the music as he played all genres to get the crowd energized all night. He kept the tempo up with fast songs and slow songs to keep the crowd vibing all night.

Overall, the decades dance was a great way to end the first session of Camp. All our new friends got to hang out with each other one last time before we go back to our homes for the summer. We will surely miss the friends we made this week and the fond memories we created with our cabin mates. Tonight was for, as the late great artist Michael Jackson once said, “Dancing the night away”.