Camp ASCCA hosting group from China

Published 9:01pm Friday, August 8, 2014

By Cliff Williams / Outlook Staff Writer

Original story here. Camp ASCCA photos of the group here.

Everyone around Lake Martin knows of Camp ASCCA and how it helps those in the state with disabilities. But lately, the camp has drawn the attention from around the world in China.

A group of Chinese campers, parents and administrators from the Beijing Sport University in China have taken up residence at the Lake Martin Camp to have some camp like fun and learn more about what it takes to serve those with disabilities.

This is not the first time China has heard about Camp ASCCA.

In the spring, Camp Director Matt Rickman and Camp Administrator John Stephenson paid a visit to China to visit with officials to tell the story of Camp ASCCA as they were invited as experts in camps with disabilities.

“It is my understanding that they want to create programs for people with disabilities,” said Rickman.

One of the counselors at camp this summer who is helping out with the Chinese visitors is Alli Ownby, a junior at the University of North Alabama. Ownby has a full scholarship to travel to China for the entire school year to study Mandarin at the Tianjin University, so she is already practicing her Mandarin. Ownby will be staying only about 30 minutes from the some of the campers visiting camp this week will have a chance to visit with them again.

By walking around camp, language might not always translate but one thing was evident, children were having fun regardless of the language barrier.

“Fun always translates,” said camp director Matt Rickman.

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