This past weekend we hosted the Autism Society of Alabama at Camp ASCCA for a family weekend camp. There were returning families and first-time families joining in on all the fun over the weekend.
Campers and their families arrived Friday evening, got settled into their cabins, and went straight to free-choice activities where they could choose from putt-putt, the splash pad, or free play in the gym. After dinner, campers and families got to get to know each other over a campfire complete with s’mores.
Saturday started like any other day at Camp, breakfast and then straight to program rotations. The rotations included canoeing, waterslide, and the zipline. Saturday evening campers and their families got to choose between five different free-choice activities that included the pool, sling shot at archery, boatrides, panning for gold, and putt-putt. Satuday night we had a pool party, games in the gym, and another campfire.
Sunday morning before everyone we their separate ways they had the chance to play putt-putt, hang out in the BCK4T, or hang out in the Dunn Center and sensory room.