Today Camp ASCCA was able to host the Tallapoosa County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). This specific event was a mock tornado drill that hit Camp ASCCA.

We notified the dispatchers, and they sent local first responders to Camp. We had two campers, Cale and Christina, come and participate, along with students from Edward Bell Career Technical Center and fire students.
The Fire Departments and EMS provided triage, treatment, and transportation for those who needed it. The transportation methods included ambulances, boats, and helicopters. After all of the victims were transported to the appropriate destinations, the North Alabama Search Dog Association were sent out across Camp to find the last few that were missing.
This drill was not only beneficial to the Tallapoosa County first responders but also to Camp ASCCA. This event helped us become better prepared for a severe weather event by educating our staff about various scenarios, and educating our local emergency services of who are, and our unique circumstances.
To view more photos from this event click here.