The Arc Macon is no stranger to Camp ASCCA. They’ve been attending Camp for a week in the summer for over 25 years. The Macon ARC is a nonprofit organization that supports adults with developmental disabilities through residential living options, supported employment, and activities.
Campers arrived at ASCCA Monday afternoon with their luggage in tow ready for a week full of adventure and exciting programs. Once everyone got settled into their cabins it was time for dinner and a dance!

Tuesday morning was quite a rainy day, so we hung out at the Bck4T all morning enjoying movies, arcade games, and time with friends. Luckily for us, the sun started to shine right after rest period, and the campers were able to enjoy afternoon free choice activities like tubing, karaoke, archery, putt-putt, and the game room. We ended our Tuesday night with game night at the Bck4T.
Before everyone knew it was Wednesday and the week was half over. Though time was flying by, that wasn’t going to stop all the fun. Wednesday morning campers had the opportunity to choose from free choice activities like splash pad, zipline, arts & crafts, hammocks at the Outpost, and putt-putt. After rest period, we continued with our afternoon free choice. Activities included swimming at the pool, the waterslide, boatrides, and putt-putt.
Thursday was the last full day of Camp, and everyone was determined to make the most of the day. Morning free choice activities consisted of fishing, canoeing, arts & crafts, splash pad, putt-putt, and the game room. After lunch and rest period campers were ready to take on more afternoon activities. They got to choose from the pool, boatrides, nature, or talent show practice at the Outpost. We ended the day the best way we know how — an ASCCA Talent Show. It was the best way to wrap up a week full of fun.