This week, every day is a different dress-up theme! We will be participating in Marvel Monday, Tie Die Tuesday for ASCCApalooza, Wonderful World of Sports Wednesday, and True to ASCCA Thursday. This week is different than any of the others because everyone dresses up every day and because the week ends with prom on Thursday night!
In order to prepare for this week’s festivities, campers and counselors tie dyed bandanas tonight for the evening activity! Program staff employees led the event and showed everyone the different tie dye styles and colors that were available to use.

Campers were able to pick the design and tie the rubberbands as they wished around the bandana. The colors and the patterns campers wanted them in were chosen and then the colors were applied! Campers received assistance as needed from their counselor. The night was filled with color and only made the excitement for Tuesday afternoon increase!

Check out our Flickr page for more pictures that are to DYE for and to see what else is going on at Camp ASCCA this week!
Camp ASCCA 2017
Karla Silva, PR
Session 3