I have talked about how Camp ASCCA is a place that will change your life, but I don’t think I could ever put into words how one week here can change everything.
Last night I looked around the room as hand in hand we created a circle and sang the Goodnight song. Smiling I thought about how this circle represents how the Camp ASCCA family works. Our campers are what connect us to each other, without them we are just a group of people from different cities and states with different interests and lifestyles. In any other setting most of us would have never crossed paths, but here we are living life to the fullest because of the campers that we love so much.

We love you ASCCA family!
“Your love will live in our hearts”
To look back on all the memories made this week and more information about Camp ASCCA and it’s staff check out Camp ASCCA’s website, ASCCA’s Flickr, Instagram (@campascca), Facebook and YouTube.
Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2016
Living the Good Life