Camp ASCCA Mornings

It’s a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA!

We love theme days and a reason to dress up here at Camp ASCCA so this week we are having a theme day every day!!

Today is Superhero day here at Camp ASCCA and everyone is sporting their favorite heroes! It was exciting seeing everyone walk up to flag-raising in their costumes this morning. We have Superman, Spiderman, Batman, The Ninja Turtles, Captain America and the list goes on and on.

This morning the superheroes of Cherokee and Cheaha were in charge of leading the camp at flag raising! They did an amazing job!

Camper, Jacob Bagwell raised the flag this morning with help from counselor Beau Castor and then Adira Davis led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The quote of the day was read to us by Hope Clark.

“Unless someone like YOU

cares a whole awful lot, NOTHING

is going to get better.

It’s Not.”

-Dr. Suess

Anna Leigh King gave us the joke of the day.

What do you call a watch you wear around your waist???


A waste of time!

Don’t forget to check Flickr for more pictures of all our adventures here at camp.

– Sara Shea, PR

Camp ASCCA 2015


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