Camp ASCCA Mornings

Good Morning!

As always it is a great day here at Camp ASCCA!

Over the years it has become a tradition to wear tie dye on “Tie Dye Tuesday,” but the cabin of Davis has their tie dye on and peace signs painted on their face to celebrate Decade week. Kudos to them and their camp spirit!

This morning the girls of Cherokee and the guys of Redstick kicked off this beautiful day by raising our flag, giving us the quote of the day and the joke of the day. They did AWESOME and we are so proud of them for being leaders this morning.

Camper, Stuart Prescott and counselor Marquis Russell raised the flag and then Stuart lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The quote of the day was read to us by Kim O’dell.

“Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you’re gonna get.”

-Forest Gump

Mandi Miller told us the joke of the day.

Why did Tigger go to the bathroom?


To find Pooh.

Redstick and Cherokee did a great job and getting everyone pumped up for today’s activities!

Don’t forget to check our Flickr for more pictures of our many adventures here at camp.

– Sara Shea, PR

Camp ASCCA 2015


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