Camp ASCCA Mornings

As always it is a great day here at Camp ASCCA!

Today was our first flag raising of Session 2 and the girls from Creek and guys from Choctaw did a fantastic job leading the camp in our morning ritual of raising the flag!

Campers, Matthew Peterson and Jeanie McClendon raised the flag this morning with help from counselor Brenden Hill. Mandy McGill lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The quote of the day was read to us by Ashley Kelley.

“Don’t cry because it’s over.

Smile because it happened.”

Adam Parker told us the joke of the day.

Why did the car and banana go to the doctor?


To get their rattle.

We are so proud of these campers and their many accomplishments. They are absolutely amazing and we are so glad that they are part of our Camp ASCCA family!

Don’t forget to check our Flickr for more pictures of our many adventures here at camp.

– Sara Shea, PR

Camp ASCCA 2015


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