Camp ASCCA Olympics 2011

Today has been another action packed day here at Camp ASCCA. The campers have kept high energy and have had a blast! Even though the week is starting to wind down, that isn’t slowing the campers and staff down.

Tonight, the campers got to enjoy something we have not got to do all summer, The Camp ASCCA Olympics! Every cabin was to decide a country to represent and come up with props and chants for that country. As I entered the dining hall every cabin was dressed head to toe in attire to represet their country of their choice! After dinner, the different countries were sent on their way to participate in different olympic activities. Some of the activites included: bobsledding, figure skating, golfing, hockey, and many more, and of course we had to have a hydration station. All of the cabins did awesome in every event they participated in, and their scores will go toward honor cabin of the week.

Tonight we also say goodbye to our head female counselor, Melanie Bradsher. She has been a great head counselor and we all thank her for her hard work.

Tomorrow is the last full day here at camp and I know it will be one of the best! It’s Thursday and everyone knows what that means, DANCE TIME!!!

-Abby Brown
Sessio 6

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