Camp ASCCA receives $1,450 from the Jerry B. Brunson Enterprise Rotary Club Foundation, Inc.

On Tuesday, May 2nd, members of the Camp ASCCA staff traveled to Enterprise to receive a special donation from the Jerry B. Brunson Enterprise Rotary Club Foundation, Inc. The foundation held its annual Allocations Luncheon at the Enterprise Country Club and invited all of this year’s recipients to join. As one of the many recipients pictured, Camp ASCCA was presented a check for $1,450 that will cover two camperships for campers to attend during the summer. The foundation has been supporting Camp through donations for more than 20 years!

Join us as we say thank you to the Jerry B. Brunson Enterprise Rotary Club Foundation, Inc. for their continued support of everything we do here at Camp ASCCA!

If you are also interested in supporting the ASCCA Campership Fund, donate here.

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