Camp ASCCA receives $600 from Alabama Central District of Civitans International

On Saturday, March 25th, District Governor Wendell Harless of the Alabama Central District of Civitans International presented Camp ASCCA with a check donation of $600. Civitans from across the Alabama Central District visited camp during this weekend’s Fun Fish event to work around the campus and improve the facilities. The Civitans have sponsored the fishing weekend for several years.

Civitans improve facilities

Different members took on a variety of responsibilities like raking pine straw, pruning bushes, cleaning off accessible pathways, and much more. The group spent the day with us on Saturday for meals and spent time getting to know the campers who were visiting for the weekend.

We’d like to say thank you to the Alabama Central District for their help this year and for their continued support of the ASCCA Fun Fish Weekend!

Civitans International
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